Monday 5 May 2014

The Monkey's Paw (Tokiko)

The final of the four main Shuuenpro songs, Aimless Imitation Chair Stealing Game, is based o this, the legend of the monkey's paw. D-ne uses it to become B-ko and then the fate that B-ko had coming got D-ne. According to my observations, I type better and sound a lot more amusing when I'm dead tired in the middle of the night.

Funnily enough, the legend of the Monkey's Paw is about the paw of a dead monkey. But it's cursed. Whomever finds it gets as many wishes as there are fingers on the paw. Sounds great, right? Well... not so much. It twists the wishes so that they aren't miraculous or anything. Chances are, you'll lose more than you gained. There's a story about a family that gained the paw and their first wish was for £200, so their son died in a factory and they got £200 compensation. Nice right? It's supposed to teach people not to mess with the fate that rules over them.

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