Monday 5 May 2014

Doppelgangers (Tokiko)

Since I posted Lonely Hide and Seek already, I'll follow it with Impostor Advisory! For those who don't know, the four songs of the characters in Shuuen no Shiori are all loosely based on urban legends. I'm going to research all of them and post them here. Unlike the one man hide and seek, I'm going to take this one seriously. (BTW my computer's having trouble noticing that NO. I ON'T WANT A WHITE BACKGROUND FOR MY TEXT so you'll have to live with a black one.)

A doppelganger is an exact double of a person. In fact, it means 'ghostly double'. If your relatives or friends see your doppelganger, you're in danger. However, if you see your own doppelganger, you're going to die soon. As far as I know, within three days of seeing your doppelganger, you will die.

Here are stories I'm collecting from various sites of people who have supposedly had experience with their doppelganger:

Emilie Sagée: In 1845, she was a 32 year old, French teacher at an all girls school called 'Pensionat von Neuwelcke'. Despite her teaching performance being fine, rumours began to float about her; it was said that a double of her would appear and disappear before her students. In a class one day, thirteen students saw her doppelganger appear right next to her and copy her exact movements as she wrote on the blackboard, but it had no chalk. When she was eating, it appeared right next to her and copied her movements, but without the utensils. There were times, however, that it didn't copy her movements. On a summer day, 42 girls that were taking their sewing and embroidery lesson saw Sagée gathering flowers outside while they were being supervised by another teacher. That teacher left to speak to the head mistress and Sagée's 'twin' appeared in the empty chair... while the real Emilie could be seen outside! They noticed that her movements were tired all of a sudden. Two girls approached it to try and touch it, but they felt an unnatural resistance around it. One of them stepped up to the thing and actually passed through it, making it vanish. Luckily for her, Emilie had never seen the doppelganger herself, but looked pale and felt fatigued whenever it had been said to appear.

Guy de Maupassant: He was a French (seeing a pattern?) novelist that claimed to see his doppelganger not too long before he died. He said that the double once took a seat and told him exactly what to write. His short story, "Lui", was about that experience.

John Donne: A 16th century English poet. He met his wife's doppelganger in Paris (France, where doubles are everywhere) and it was holding a new born baby. His wife was pregnant at the time and gave birth to a stillborn child in the moment the double appeared.

Percy Bysshe Shelley: One of England's greatest poets, poor Percy met his doppelganger in Italy (C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER). It pointed towards the Mediterranean Sea. Just before Shelley's 30th, he died in a sailing accident in 1822... a sailing accident that just so happened to have occurred in the Mediterranean Sea.

Unnamed: Someone once saw their dad's doppelganger when they were going home after hanging out with their friend. At the traffic light to go home, they saw their dad in his car, looking exhausted. According to the person, there were lots of things off with their dad. He didn't wave, he wasn't wearing his usual hat and he'd usually be in bed by that time. When they got home, their dad's car was there. They told their parents and their mother testified that they hadn't left all night and that she, too had seen someone that looked like his dad in the car in the same area. When she called her partner, to ask why he didn't wave and such, he said that he hadn't even left work yet.

I can't be bothered to search for more doppelganger stuff, so I'll leave it at that!


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