Monday 5 May 2014

Aka Manto (Tokiko)

Because toilets are a must have in Japanese ghost stories! I couldn't find any pictures I liked when I searched Aka Manto on Google, so you'll have to go without...

In a Japanese or Korean school, I'd advise against going into the last stall. Aka Manto is a ghost that haunts that stall. As you sit on the loo, it'll ask you if you want red paper or blue paper. If you say red, you'll be sliced apart until your clothes are completely stained with blood. Much like how Sa-chan killed people until her pretty little white dress was blood red. If you choose blue, you'll be strangled until your face is blue. Much like how that bastard strangled Sa-chan after the poor little girl saw her mother die. If you try and be a smart arse and ask for a different colour, you'll be dragged to the netherworld. Much like how the Kisaragi students did the Sachiko ever after charm and found themselves trapped in the school of hell. The only way to get out of that mess is to ask for no paper. Aka Manto was said to be a gorgeous guy with all sorts of fangirls in life, but he hides his face with a mask now that he's dead. It wouldn't surprise me if he's disfigured like every other Japanese ghost out there!

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