Monday 5 May 2014

Kuchisake-onna (Tokiko)

Do I plan on sleeping tonight? Apparently not! This isn't anything to do with Shuuenpro like Doppelgangers and Lonely Hide and Seek are, buuuut I really like it even if it scares me shitless sometimes.

Kuchisake-onna is a woman that returned as a vicious spirit after being mutilated by her husband. When sightings began showing up in 1979, the fear level was over 9000. Teachers insisted that children needed to go home in groups escorted by them and police increased their patrols. So... yeah. I'm obviously not the only person that this creeps out.

Children wandering alone at night may be approached by a woman wearing a surgical mask. It's not uncommon to see this in Japan, as proven to me earlier today while watching The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya. Seriously, that's a good movie. Anyway, she asks the kid if she's beautiful or not. If the kid says no, they are killed with a pair of scissors that she carries with her. And that's really difficult to put into a Corpse Party context, right?

If the lovely little thing says yes, she takes her mask off, revealing her mouth that is slit from ear to ear. She asks again. If the kid says no, they are cut in half. By what means, I don't know. It might just be how many times it took Sachiko to stab Tokiko with a pair of scissors to get her head off, but I don;t think that cutting the honest brat up with a pair of scissors will be painless. Ouch. If they tell a white lie and say yes, she'll cut their face like her husband did to hers. If you run, she'll just reappear in front of you, so there's no getting away from this chick...


Some rumours of escape began popping up, but they are rumours. If you answer "So-so" or something she'll be confused and you can run. You can also tell her that you've got somewhere to be and she'll be nice and go away. Sometimes, she can be distracted if you throw sweets or fruit at her. She'll be too busy picking them up and probably nomming on them that she can't reappear when you run. My personal favourite is if the child asks if they're pretty and she's so confused that she just leaves.

Anyway, one thing might stand out to people. She only targets kiddies. Yeah, that's great for all the adults reading this, but for any kids finding this... sorrynotsorry.

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