Wednesday 9 July 2014

Tomino's Hell (Sachiko)

So this is about a poem about a Tomino who dies and falls to hell, and apparently if you read it out loud you will die! However, if you're lucky you won't die but some freaky stuff will happen. "Tomino's Hell" was written by Yomota Inuhiko in a book called "The Heart is Like a Rolling Stone", and was included in Saizo Yaso's 27th collection of poems in 1919 in case any of you wish to read it (But oh god not out loud please!). Although it isn't proven if it works if you read it in English or any other language apart from Japanese...

I have not read the poem out loud myself but I am quite on edge after reading it... read it and you will understand why...

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Rokudo Chinno Temple: Passage to the Underworld (Sachiko)

At Rokudo Chinno Temple, there is a well that supposedly acts as a passageway to the underworld. The Heian period scholar Ono no Takamura, also known as Sangi no Takamura, served the Imperial Court by day, then would allegedly climb down this well at night to aid in the work of judging those souls who have died and entered the afterlife. His grave is said to be in Kita Ward, Kyoto, next to the grave of Murasaki Shikibu, the woman who penned the epic “Tale of Genji” and, as legend has it, descended into hell as a punishment for her lustful behavior.

Jisshu Shrine: Betrayal and Revenge (Sachiko)

I noticed that neither me nor Tokiko have posted in a while so I shall post this, I hope Tokiko hasn't lost her head...


One place is right under the noses of the multitudes gawking at the magnificent construction of Kiyomizu Temple. Situated adjacent to the temple is Jisshu Shrine, a popular place for women who come to pray for good fortune in love. However, there is a darker side to this bustling sightseeing spot. Standing at the shrine is the Prayer Cedar, where as you probably already guessed, visitors come to pray. But bored into this seemingly innocuous tree are nail holes made by women who have been betrayed by their lovers. “Ushi no Kokumairi,” meaning “the 2 a.m. visit,” is an old Japanese means of cursing someone you despise and praying for their death by nailing a “wara ningyo” (straw doll) into an ancient tree at a shrine at the “hour of the Ox.”

Judging from the freshness of the holes in the Prayer Cedar, it seems this ancient practice is still alive and well, though according to someone who went and asked about it, the head priest is reluctant to discuss the matter for fear of encouraging more such unsavory behavior. Another place in Kyoto where the “Ushi no Kokumairi” has been performed is Kifune Shrine in Sakyo Ward, which enshrines not only a god of marriage, but also gods of divorce and curses.

So to all you guys in Japan, be nice to your lady or she might just pray for your death.

Monday 5 May 2014

The Red Room (Tokiko)

Considering that I'm currently typing this on a computer with pop-ups enabled, this creeps me out quite a bit. I tried watching the video, but I don't exactly want this pop up to.... well... pop up.
The red room began as an interactive flash animation that you can watch here. It's in Japanese, but you get the gist of it. More importantly, turn the sound on for the full effect. The voice is creepy as hell. You'll know when you hear it.

Two boys are discussing the rumour of a pop up that asks "Do you like-?" The rumour goes that if you close it, you'll die. One of the boys is skeptical about it, and searches all over the internet to find out more about it, but can't find any information about it. When he gives up, the message pops up. A girls voice says "Do you like-?" and the boy closes the ad. It appears again. He closes it. This happens until he notices that the question changes to "Do you like red?" Again, he keeps closing it until the question is complete. "Do you like the red room?" A website with a list of names then appears, his friend's name at the bottom. He feels the presence of someone behind him. The next day, everyone's gossiping about two students that committed suicide and painted the walls in their blood. The name of the skeptical boy was added to the list of names on the computer.

Apparently, when that finishes on the site, the pop up comes up if you haven't disabled them... which is why I didn't watch it fully. It's not the actual thing, of course, but I get scared pretty easily sometimes.

This would just be a creepy story in most situations, but it's infamous for a good reason. The Sasebo Slashing was the murder of a 12 year old girl at school by one of her classmates. The culprit had the video bookmarked on her computer.

Rokurokubi (Tokiko)

I found pictures of these things when I was looking for pictures of the nopperabou, and... well... It happened to remind me of a certain horror manga...

These things are just the necks and I'm pretty certain that they aren't contaminated by the spiral.... but yeah. Anyway, the rokurokubi is a type of Japanese yokai (which I'm pretty sure are just Japanese demons) with stretched necks. There's another type where the heads come off completely and just float around called a nurekubi. They are apparently the original. There are loads of theories about these, so I'll just do this one, which comes with a story! Yay! The theory is that the stretched neck guys are a person's karma.

A monk from Enshu called Kashin eloped with this chick called Oyotsu. When the chick got ill and the monk ran out of money, he killed her. Obviously, he wasn't a very good monk. After that, he went back to a non-religious life because he wasn't a good boy any more and he slept with a girl at an inn. The girl's neck stretched and her face becme Oyotsu (his deady weddy waifu). She started dissing him about what happened and he started to regret it. Which, really, is pretty bad, considering that he didn't regret killing his wife straight after doing it. Then again, that guy in The Widower didn't regret it. Anyway, he told the one-night-stand, neck stretch chick's dad what he did and the dad just told him that he had also killed a chick before, stole her money and used it to start the inn. Of course, when his daughter was born, she became a rokurokubi. Kaishin got back into the Buddhist priest business, which, really, he shouldn't be allowed into because he killed his god damn wife. Anyway, he built a grave for her and it's said to be the 'Rokurokubi Mound' which tells the story for future generations~!

Nopperabou (Tokiko)

Hey there! Time for the Japanese and probably original slender man! I actually got the idea to do this one from the Hetalia movie, Paint it White, weirdly. At the start, when they're discussing the faceless aliens that are turning everything white and boring, Japan says that they are like the nopperabou and everyone starts blaming him for the invasion.

The nopperabou is a faceless ghost of Japanese folk lore, which is how it's a little, tiny bit like our dear friend Mr.Slender. Unlike every other thing we've talked about on here, these are pretty much harmless. All they do is scare humans by impersonating someone they know and then wiping off their facial features. But not of the person they're scaring. That would mean that they aren't harmless. Because you need a face. Anyway, here is a story:

The Nopperabou and the Koi Pond - This fisherman went to fish in the imperial Koi Pond, no matter how much warning his wife gave him about it being a sacred place. Another fisherman warned the stubborn geyser to back off, but, as I said, he's really stubborn. When he gets there, this hot chick begs him not to do it and, what to you know, she doesn't listen. He's like, SHSL Stubborn. Then the hot chick wipes her face off. She's not a hot chick anymore. The fisherman, probably regretting how stubborn he was, runs home with his tail between his legs. His wife tells him off when he gets there, and then she wipes her face off, too. The moral of this story is that you should always listen to your wife because she's always right.

The Monkey's Paw (Tokiko)

The final of the four main Shuuenpro songs, Aimless Imitation Chair Stealing Game, is based o this, the legend of the monkey's paw. D-ne uses it to become B-ko and then the fate that B-ko had coming got D-ne. According to my observations, I type better and sound a lot more amusing when I'm dead tired in the middle of the night.

Funnily enough, the legend of the Monkey's Paw is about the paw of a dead monkey. But it's cursed. Whomever finds it gets as many wishes as there are fingers on the paw. Sounds great, right? Well... not so much. It twists the wishes so that they aren't miraculous or anything. Chances are, you'll lose more than you gained. There's a story about a family that gained the paw and their first wish was for £200, so their son died in a factory and they got £200 compensation. Nice right? It's supposed to teach people not to mess with the fate that rules over them.

Teke-Teke (Sachiko)

This is my last post for tonight/this morning. What is it with Japan and suicide? Honestly, first Seiko now this...

Anyway, this story is about a woman who jumped, or pushed, into the path of an oncoming train and was severed in half. He spirit lingers and the last thing you'll hear as she propels herself toward you on her hands with superhuman speed is 'Teke-Teke' which is the noise of her dragging the half of her body that's left.

Human pillars (Sachiko)

This method dates back as far as the 7th Century and the story goes that humans and human bones were put into pillars as offerings to the gods to make the pillars more durable. Considering the buildings with these pillars are still standing, maybe modern day builders need to take note of this.

Aka Manto (Tokiko)

Because toilets are a must have in Japanese ghost stories! I couldn't find any pictures I liked when I searched Aka Manto on Google, so you'll have to go without...

In a Japanese or Korean school, I'd advise against going into the last stall. Aka Manto is a ghost that haunts that stall. As you sit on the loo, it'll ask you if you want red paper or blue paper. If you say red, you'll be sliced apart until your clothes are completely stained with blood. Much like how Sa-chan killed people until her pretty little white dress was blood red. If you choose blue, you'll be strangled until your face is blue. Much like how that bastard strangled Sa-chan after the poor little girl saw her mother die. If you try and be a smart arse and ask for a different colour, you'll be dragged to the netherworld. Much like how the Kisaragi students did the Sachiko ever after charm and found themselves trapped in the school of hell. The only way to get out of that mess is to ask for no paper. Aka Manto was said to be a gorgeous guy with all sorts of fangirls in life, but he hides his face with a mask now that he's dead. It wouldn't surprise me if he's disfigured like every other Japanese ghost out there!

Nure-Onna (Sachiko)

So you like going to the beach? Feeling the sand beneath your feet?

But oh no! You see a pretty woman drowning! You go to save your helpless 'Ophillia' by swimming out to save her.

Your body becomes paralysed! You can't move and for some reason your drowning beauty seems to be using her snake-like body to close the distance between you... How romantic...

Oh? Now you're being slowly digested by the snake woman? Here's a little hint: make sure the cutie you're going to save from drowning isn't a hungry snake woman.

Hakano-San (Sachiko)

To summon Hakano-San you must do a few things:

• Go to an Elementary School (Let's say Heavenly Host Elementary) and make a dash to the ladies toilet (assuming you are a lady).
• Find the third stall from the entrance/exit (and in some variations you have to be on the third floor).
• Do the polite thing and knock three times on the stall door and ask "Hakano-San are you in there?"

If you get an answer other than pissing yourself due to terror, you have a few options:

• Run like a bitch!
• Sneak a peak of the little girl in red (Did she steal my dress or something? *pouts*).
• Stare at her, frozen in fear and be dragged down the toilet and killed.

If you don't get an answer you are free to go.

Good luck~!

Merry-san (Tokiko)

Wow, I am active tonight! This time, it's Merry-san, the legend from Perfect Crime Love Letter, C-ta's Shuuenpro song! Unfortunately, there isn't very much of this that I've found, but hey, I'll try. You know, while looking for pictures of Merry-san, you get a lot of C-ta x A-ya that I am not complaining about.

A girl moved house and, shen she did so, she threw away an old doll called Merry. That night, she got a phone call: "I am Merry. Now, I am at the dumpsite. When she hung up, it took the call again immediately. "I am Merry. Now, I am at the corner of a tobacco shop." After that, she got another call. "I am Merry. Now, I am an Iams cat outside your house." When she opened the door, there was no one there. Just when she thought that she was being tricked, she got a final call. "I am Merry. Now, I am behind you."

Kuchisake-onna (Tokiko)

Do I plan on sleeping tonight? Apparently not! This isn't anything to do with Shuuenpro like Doppelgangers and Lonely Hide and Seek are, buuuut I really like it even if it scares me shitless sometimes.

Kuchisake-onna is a woman that returned as a vicious spirit after being mutilated by her husband. When sightings began showing up in 1979, the fear level was over 9000. Teachers insisted that children needed to go home in groups escorted by them and police increased their patrols. So... yeah. I'm obviously not the only person that this creeps out.

Children wandering alone at night may be approached by a woman wearing a surgical mask. It's not uncommon to see this in Japan, as proven to me earlier today while watching The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya. Seriously, that's a good movie. Anyway, she asks the kid if she's beautiful or not. If the kid says no, they are killed with a pair of scissors that she carries with her. And that's really difficult to put into a Corpse Party context, right?

If the lovely little thing says yes, she takes her mask off, revealing her mouth that is slit from ear to ear. She asks again. If the kid says no, they are cut in half. By what means, I don't know. It might just be how many times it took Sachiko to stab Tokiko with a pair of scissors to get her head off, but I don;t think that cutting the honest brat up with a pair of scissors will be painless. Ouch. If they tell a white lie and say yes, she'll cut their face like her husband did to hers. If you run, she'll just reappear in front of you, so there's no getting away from this chick...


Some rumours of escape began popping up, but they are rumours. If you answer "So-so" or something she'll be confused and you can run. You can also tell her that you've got somewhere to be and she'll be nice and go away. Sometimes, she can be distracted if you throw sweets or fruit at her. She'll be too busy picking them up and probably nomming on them that she can't reappear when you run. My personal favourite is if the child asks if they're pretty and she's so confused that she just leaves.

Anyway, one thing might stand out to people. She only targets kiddies. Yeah, that's great for all the adults reading this, but for any kids finding this... sorrynotsorry.

Doppelgangers (Tokiko)

Since I posted Lonely Hide and Seek already, I'll follow it with Impostor Advisory! For those who don't know, the four songs of the characters in Shuuen no Shiori are all loosely based on urban legends. I'm going to research all of them and post them here. Unlike the one man hide and seek, I'm going to take this one seriously. (BTW my computer's having trouble noticing that NO. I ON'T WANT A WHITE BACKGROUND FOR MY TEXT so you'll have to live with a black one.)

A doppelganger is an exact double of a person. In fact, it means 'ghostly double'. If your relatives or friends see your doppelganger, you're in danger. However, if you see your own doppelganger, you're going to die soon. As far as I know, within three days of seeing your doppelganger, you will die.

Here are stories I'm collecting from various sites of people who have supposedly had experience with their doppelganger:

Emilie Sagée: In 1845, she was a 32 year old, French teacher at an all girls school called 'Pensionat von Neuwelcke'. Despite her teaching performance being fine, rumours began to float about her; it was said that a double of her would appear and disappear before her students. In a class one day, thirteen students saw her doppelganger appear right next to her and copy her exact movements as she wrote on the blackboard, but it had no chalk. When she was eating, it appeared right next to her and copied her movements, but without the utensils. There were times, however, that it didn't copy her movements. On a summer day, 42 girls that were taking their sewing and embroidery lesson saw Sagée gathering flowers outside while they were being supervised by another teacher. That teacher left to speak to the head mistress and Sagée's 'twin' appeared in the empty chair... while the real Emilie could be seen outside! They noticed that her movements were tired all of a sudden. Two girls approached it to try and touch it, but they felt an unnatural resistance around it. One of them stepped up to the thing and actually passed through it, making it vanish. Luckily for her, Emilie had never seen the doppelganger herself, but looked pale and felt fatigued whenever it had been said to appear.

Guy de Maupassant: He was a French (seeing a pattern?) novelist that claimed to see his doppelganger not too long before he died. He said that the double once took a seat and told him exactly what to write. His short story, "Lui", was about that experience.

John Donne: A 16th century English poet. He met his wife's doppelganger in Paris (France, where doubles are everywhere) and it was holding a new born baby. His wife was pregnant at the time and gave birth to a stillborn child in the moment the double appeared.

Percy Bysshe Shelley: One of England's greatest poets, poor Percy met his doppelganger in Italy (C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER). It pointed towards the Mediterranean Sea. Just before Shelley's 30th, he died in a sailing accident in 1822... a sailing accident that just so happened to have occurred in the Mediterranean Sea.

Unnamed: Someone once saw their dad's doppelganger when they were going home after hanging out with their friend. At the traffic light to go home, they saw their dad in his car, looking exhausted. According to the person, there were lots of things off with their dad. He didn't wave, he wasn't wearing his usual hat and he'd usually be in bed by that time. When they got home, their dad's car was there. They told their parents and their mother testified that they hadn't left all night and that she, too had seen someone that looked like his dad in the car in the same area. When she called her partner, to ask why he didn't wave and such, he said that he hadn't even left work yet.

I can't be bothered to search for more doppelganger stuff, so I'll leave it at that!


Sunday 4 May 2014

Lonely Hide and Seek (Tokiko)

What? I got the name from the Shuuen no Shiori Project you say? Pff- Yeah I did.

Lonely Hide and Seek, more commonly known as One Man Hide and Seek but lonely sounds better, is a method of contacting wandering spirits by allowing them to possess a doll's body. If A-ya has taught me anything, this is a dangerous ritual. It could end badly, so follow the instructions to the T. Got it? Note: Anything in these [abc] can vary depending on what's in them instead of the ABC. E.g [Your name] will be your name in there rather than actually saying "Why hello your name!" it would be "Why hello Tokiko!" in my case, at least. That was just for those who don't get it below.

If you want to read the stuff without my bad jokes, probably clearer instructions and a creepy vibe, go here. If you get scared easily and need constant little bits of humour or just want to know the gist of it, you might just want to scroll down.

You'll need the following:

  • A stuffed doll. It doesn't matter what the doll looks like, if it's of a person or an animal, whatever, it just needs limbs. I'd suggest a doll that you really don't like. Seriously, you aren't gonna want to use it again
  • Enough rice to fill the doll.
  • A needle along with one crimson thread.
  • Nail clippers.
  • Some kind of sharp tool. A-ya from Shuuen no Shiori (The Bookmark of Demise) used a craft knife. A glass shard or scissors (large, bloody, rusted sewing scissors from Heavenly Host Elementary are preferable. THAT WAS A JOKE) would be fine too. Really, anything with a sharp edge will do.
  • A cup of (preferably natural) salt water.
  • A bathroom with a bathtub and a counter of some kind.
  • A hiding place (hey, it is hide and seek). There needs to be a TV in there. No questions asked.
How to do this:
  1. Take out the stuffing of your teddy or whatever. Replace it with the rice. This is supposed to represent innards but it attracts ghosties, too. As you can tell, this ritual is a very happy and innocent ritual that won't hurt a fly.
  2. Using the nail clipper, clip your nails (surprise, surprise) and let them join their rice friends in the doll. Sew it up with the needle and thread (plot twist!) and, when you've done sewing it, tie the doll up with the rest of the thread. This represents a blood vessel and it seals spirits inside your dolly. Again, very pleasant.
  3. Fill your bath with water. Don't take your clothes off and jump in unless your name is Haruka Nanase and you are the protagonist of Free! Iwatobi swim club. Or if it's quarter to nine (Look at the time: it's quarter to nine! Time to have a bath. "But what do you mean? We're already clean!" Scrub scrub scrub 'til the water's BROWN. (It's from Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 2, you uncultured swines that didn't recognise that.)) AGAIN. THOSE WERE JOKES.
  4. Put the salt water cup in your hiding place for Nemo. He's playing hide and seek with Marlin, so be nice. MY HUMOUR AGAIN.
  5. Give your doll a name. It can be anything from Snuggle Bunnykins to Ultra Emo Deathinator, but it can't be your name.
  6. At 3 in the morning, you must say "[Your name] is the first to be it." to Mr. Bunnykins three times.
  7. Put poor Mr.Bunnykins in the water filled (control yourself, Haruka) bathtub. Chances are, your teddy will be wet after putting him in the water. If you don't want to put Mr.Bunnykins through this, don't do the ritual. It's dangerous to stop half way through, after all.
  8. Switch off all the lights in your house. Seriously. Every single light. Even if they're name is Yagami. They must be switched off. Then go back to your crib (hiding place, whatever you want to call it) and turn the telly on. If you're lucky, you might get to watch a bit of The Simpsons. That was another pitiful attempt at humour. I apologise.
  9. Count to ten with your eyes closed. You might be playing it by yourself, but you're still playing hide and seek. Then go back to the bathroom with your sharp thingy majig.
  10. Go to the tub and tell Mr.Bunnykins this: "I have found you, [Doll's name]." You have to stab poor Mr.Bunnykins with your sharp whatever, now. How awful would you feel? You just gave the guy a name and now you're stabbing him. Join the campaign for teddy abuse now! ...I'm sorry for my bad jokes. This probably doesn't sound creepy at all, right? Anyway, doing this will cut the thread and it will release the spirits you trapped earlier.
  11. Say "You are the next it, [Doll's name]." and take it out of the bath and onto the counter which I said needed to be in your bathroom at the start but you probably overlooked. The second you put Mr.Bunnykins down, run like you're Sonic to wherever your hiding place is. When you get there, hide.
  12. In your hiding place, pour half of the salt water into your mouth. If you swallow it, you'll get really thirsty and that's not what you're supposed to do anyway, so just keep it in your mouth. If you bit your tongue or lip and you've still got a wound when you do this, then I feel very sorry for you. After all, it's dangerous to stop half way. 
  13. With the salt water in your mouth, go and look for Mr.Bunnykins. The scary thing is, he might not be in the bathroom anymore.... OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo.... Anyway, don't spit out the salt water, even if you have a bleeding hole in your mouth. I assume that salt on that wound with hurt quite a bit. Poor thing. If you go out without the salt water, you might find something wandering around. Something that might be wearing a red dress and have long black hair and kind of died sixty one years ago on her seventh birthday(jk, Sa-chan has nothing to do with this). It might harm you in some way.
  14. When you find Mr.Bunnykins, pour the rest of the salt water (as in the salt water that didn't go in your mouth) onto your abused doll. Abuse the doll even further by spitting the rest of your salt water onto the poor thing.
  15. Rub salt in the wound (get it) by telling unfortunate Mr.Bunnykins this three times.: "I win." Once you've done this, you'll never guess what! You just did Lonely Hide and Seek! WHOOOOOOOOP!
With that, the ritual ends. Remember to honour the memory of your poor doll by drying it, burning it and throwing it away.

Other Important Things:
  • Leaving your house before the ritual is over is a no-no.
  • Really, every light in the house. I wasn't exaggerating when I said it earlier.
  • Be like a ninja when you're hiding. Silent. As invisible as the phantom sixth player of the generation of miracles.
  • Putting the salt water in your mouth at the beginning of the ritual is just going to be problematic for when you're talking. Do it when you're told to.
  • Remember Corpse Party BloodDrive: Prologue? When Hinoe Shinozaki got beheaded for the stupid stuff her sister does(I love Ayumi either way but damn girl the book was made of human skin why would you do what it says)? If you live with someone, they might end up in danger even if they aren't involved. Like Hinoe. That was the point I was making.
  • Doing this ritual for more than an hour or two is like being in Heavenly Host. The longer you're there, the more likely you are to die.
  • It might be best to keep the all doors unlocked for an escape route or for outside help if needs be. Keeping a phone on you and friends nearby might be useful too. You know, these happen to contradict a couple of the things above. Keep all doors unlocked (including those leading outside)? Leaving before the ritual is over. Keeping a phone on you? That's not exactly quiet when you're hiding. Having friends at hand? Refer up to Hinoe's case.
Just in case people don't get my references to things, here are some links!

Hikiko-San (Sachiko)

Hikiko was an ordinary girl in every sense of the word and she was bullied violently by her classmates and family and because of this her face became dis formed and the bullying got worse. She was eventually bullied to the point of death and because of this her vengeful spirit still remains, dragging her victims until they die then mutilating the body.
A little tip: Don't be a bully and you should be fine. Personally, sewing scissors as a weapon rather than dragging, I'm joking of course...

Sachiko Intro

Hello this is Sachiko Shinozaki, and yes this is just an alias as there are two people running this blog. I thought I should post this just to introduce myself and I hope you enjoy this blog and we will do our best to do regular updates.

Tokiko Intro

Hello there~! It's Tokiko here and no, I'm not going to act like a seven year old dead girl here, it merely an alias so you know who's posting what. Anyway, I'm just introducing myself so I can go research some stuff to post on here fore a few hours. Later!